SuperHot Double Backpack,The physical object is very small.,To translate the given Chinese text, I will use my knowledge of the language and context to provide an accurate translation in English.
Step 1: Identify the characters in the sentence - 和老款的
- The first character is 和 , which means and .
- The second character is 老的 , which can be translated as old .
- The third character is 款 , which means model or style .
Step 2: Combine the translations of each character to form a coherent sentence in English.
- Translation: 和老款的 = and old model/style
Final translation: and old model/styleDumaAbout the same size。Certainly, it is a premium item.,Difficult to Buy。The upper body is very easy to match.,Very enduring,Will definitely become a classic,Strongly Recommended。
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