Recently, all the celebrities love the same style of bags. They are both sophisticated and practical. Michelle Yeoh, RM, Jing Boran, Tong Liya, Sun Qian, Karena Ng, Du Juan, Ma Yili and Bai Baihe have all been seen carrying the Bottega Veneta Summer Collection Andiamo handbag.
The Andiamo has a simple structure with rounded lines. It is entirely made of Nappa leather, which is comfortable, soft and full of dynamism, adding fun to daily life and can be easily paired with various styles.
The Andiamo handbag comes in three sizes: small, medium and large. There are many colors to choose from, which can meet different needs. It's really suitable to carry whether in daily life or when attending events.
Model number: 743575
Dimensions: 45*22*34, including the height of the handle is 44cm.
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