?? Belts: LV... Louis Vuitton... Top-notch replicas.
?? Waistbands: Original single-piece quality. 100% genuine first-layer cowhide, ensuring real leather. Double-layer gradient with a golden matte烤漆 design. 24K pure steel buckle. Graffiti and painted artistic patterns. Can be used on both sides. Same quality as in the专柜. It's the top choice for both gifting and self-use.
?? Packaging: Please identify the专柜 packaging as shown in the picture. A hole puncher, UnionPay invoice will be given as a gift. The width is 3.8mm.
Note: 烤漆 doesn't have a direct one - to - one English equivalent. Usually, baked paint can be used, but here I keep the Chinese word as it is because it might be a term specific to the field or product in Chinese context. Also, 专柜 is translated as counter in a store in a literal sense, but here I keep it in Chinese as it's a common business term in China.
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