Hermès Herbag (“She is a rare find” is the best interpretation of this it bag by Hermes boutique now. Though considered high-end, we have been developing it for quite some time and the technology has become quite mature. If you believe me and hold it in your hands, I guarantee you will give thumbs up. The biggest reason why others secretly smile when they buy a similar quality bag at one-tenth the price is that they save money. The genuine imported leather from an international brand easily surpasses any imitation. Authentic details are original, with the original steel and Double HighThree-dimensional water-resistant cloth made by Hermès itself, but it's lighter than full leather. The entire bag can be disassembled for easy cleaning. It’s very suitable for daily use (for both men and women) without being too ostentatious or dull, fitting in well with an academic style. It belongs to the entry-levelStyle of Hermès. Additionally, there is a small pouch inside the bag where you can store lipsticks, keys, cosmetics, cash easily. There are also different year marks made by skilled craftsmen on each piece, unique to the limited edition. Hermès Herbag PM size: height 25*width 31*depth 10, still falls under the small bag category of the Herbag series. The design is mature and comfortable, perfect for dates! Market reference price around 19,000 RMB.
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