Hermes Herbag PM, a miniature bag in the Hermès collection, is best described by itsExclusive Store now as she can only be met but not sought after. Although it is a high-end product, we have been developing it for a long time and the technology has become quite mature. If you believe me and hold it in your hand, I guarantee you will raise your thumb in approval. The biggest reason why others secretly smile when they buy this bag at one-tenth of the price of an official counter version is that it offers the same quality. The genuine imported leather from a leading international brand easily surpasses any imitation. The original details and hardware are intact, complemented by Double HighRigid Waterproof Cloth but lighter than full leather. The entire bag can be disassembled for easy cleaning. It's perfectly suitable for both male and female usage, not too ostentatious or dull, with an academic style that is versatile yetModest. It belongs to the HermèsBasic Level. Additionally, there is a small pouch inside the bag for storing lipsticks, keys, cosmetics, cash, which can be easily accommodated. There are also unique maker's marks indicating the limited edition of an artistic collection. The market reference price is approximately 19,000 RMB.
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