Luxury handbag in red color, the new high-end version. Real photos and detailed images (universal for both men and women, the most academic bag). The name of the bag is Herbag (her bag). It has an additional back pocket compared to the original Kelly model but is lighter than full leather. The entire bag can be disassembled for easy cleaning. Perfectly suitable for daily use by both men and women, not too flashy orModest, fashionable yet not dull. Belongs to the entry-level series of Hermès. Original steel customized exclusively by the French factory. Made from imported high-quality leather. Double waterproof canvas material with a highStereoscopic. Additionally, there is a small pouch inside the bag for storing lipsticks, keys, cosmetics, cash, etc., making it easy to store and carry. Each bag has a unique artisan mark indicating the artisan's year of production. The code number for each bag is different, meaning that every bag is unique and specially customized. This creates the exclusive artistic limited edition of Herbag. A rare and sought-after legend that has opened up international fashion shows on the streets of both men and women.
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