Pure original ✅ Louis Vuitton Footprint, Louis Vuitton couple sneakers. Developed by ZP in the first instance, each color material is a pure original custom made to match the genuine product. High elasticity environmentally friendly foam sole,Mold fees are all up to hundreds of thousands。Original top leather shoe surface, embossing is developed according to the one-to-one replica of the genuine product, not skimping on any materials or adding any fake elements. MAX pure original version, latest version in the market, Gaoming high-end quality, strongly recommended. Consistent with the original details, can be compared, all packaged with original packaging accessories, the latest packaging luxury gift box!!! Currently at the first tier level in the market. Please note that there are many versions mixed sold on the public market; you can distinguish by material, model, texture, and packaging accessories visible to the naked eye. Size: 35-46 ID: FDD272-EJZ
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